School History


Formal Catholic education came to San Angelo in 1888 when three courageous Incarnate Word sisters stepped off the train and established Immaculate Conception Academy. Through the years, there were as many as six parochial schools, but as the town's demographics changed, a few closed, and several consolidated. In the 1970s, a major consolidation took place when Holy Angels School combined with Sacred Heart School and formed present-day Angelo Catholic School, a name which even today indicates a "community-wide school'' and not a particular "parish school". The school employs competent and dedicated teachers who participate in the formation (catechist) program offered by the diocese and Dayton University in Ohio, in addition to secular professional development.

Presently, the school goes from 3K through eighth grade. The middle school students just moved into our new building and the students and staff are so happy to have the beautiful facilities.  Like any "private" school, it is difficult to make ends meet; likewise, it is difficult for parents to pay private school tuition. A high priority at ACS has always been and continues to be to give as many students as possible a strong, Catholic education.  We are a Catholic school and feel we must serve children from all Catholic parishes. It is important to note that ACS is warmly open to children of any denomination.

ACS will continue to be principally and equally supported by Holy Angels and Sacred Heart parishes. St. Joseph's, St. Mary’s, and St. Margaret’s offer some financial support and have students in attendance. Through the years, even though enrollment has fluctuated, the school has always had a strong academic standing and equally strong spiritual and moral growth.  One hundred twenty-five years ago, the Incarnate Word sisters were determined to have excellence in all aspects of a student's life, and in our 125-year history, that commitment has never wavered. The future in life is always uncertain, but one thing we do know when looking at our long history is that students who graduate from ACS go on to excel not only in academics but in their awareness of and participation in community service.